Unfortunately we have no positions available right now!
We are excited to offer information regarding employment opportunities for summer and co-op students, as well as new grads! There are a variety of opportunities available across Canada!
If you are a student who may be looking for employment opportunities starting between January and May of 2023, apply early as some job postings are time sensitive.
If you apply for any of the following positions, please follow up with Star Park to let her know about your application or with any questions you may have.
Now Hiring Summer Students!
Summer Student Positions Available:
- Regulatory Research Analysis Internship Student – Calgary
- Engineering Student Opportunities – January 2023, Various Opportunities & Locations
- Law Student Opportunities – May 2023, Various Opportunities
- Engineering Student Opportunities – May 2023, Various Opportunities & Locations
- Business/Commerce Student Opportunities – January 2023, Various Opportunities & Locations
- Business/Commerce Student Opportunities – May 2023, Various Opportunities & Locations
- Computer Science/IT Student Opportunities – May 2023, Various Opportunities & Locations
- Polytechnic Student Opportunities – May 2023, Various Opportunities & Locations
Who’s eligible for student positions?
Students must be:
- Actively enrolled in a company-related degree program, or equivalent, with at least one semester of education complete
- Enrolled at an accredited university, and returning to school for at least one semester following their work term
- Legally permitted to study and work in the country where the position is based
- At least 18 years old at the beginning of the work term
All applications must include a transcript. We accept unofficial transcripts showing courses and grades.
Summer Jobs at Métis Crossing
Would you like to be part of Alberta’s premier cultural destination? We have exciting summer opportunities for youth between the ages of 15-30 years old.
Employment dates are between April 24 and September 4, 2023. We encourage all youth to apply. To learn more visit: https://metiscrossing.com/join-our-team.
Interested? Submit your resume to employmentmc@metis.org today!

Education & , Indigenous Relations Training Coordinator at TC Energy